Thursday, November 30, 2006

bella cita

beautifull city
with wide streets
crowded with so many people
I will never meet;

beautifull city
with white buildings
on the main boulevard
inside which no real pople live;

beautifull city
with the asphalt as gray
as anywhere, but warmed
by the hopes so many people had
while walking on your streets;
with the asphalt wounded
by the high heels of the enamored
lady running late to meet her date;
with your suburbia streets dusted
by the touch of so many baloons
the young boys were playing with
while they still had there dreams
that one day they will be champions
and score in the the most
grandious soccer finale
the world has had.

beautifull city
with tiny orange lights
to let you see through the nights
when your students study
for the dreaded exams
that will let them mature;

beautifull city
with the grandmothers
still crochetting
for their unborn nieces
and nephews;
when they are not walking
your streets to the market
or walking in circles
because they forget
where they were going to
as if it would matter
to you.

Monday, November 27, 2006

broken glass

there is a feeling
it starts wih a sound
long rememebered by the mind
it starles us and even its echoes
have the strange intentions
of convincings us
of their existence
it happens and if it happens
it's broken
it will never be the same
broken glass
the glue you may put
will barely
hold toghether
the warm feling
the admiration
for what it one was
a darling piece
but from now on
starting with the sound
it is just
broken glass

Monday, November 20, 2006

music lives

music lives and they
are living it
within their bodies,
like a child that
glorifies all the joy
herself is bringing
to the parents
and their guests.
If it touches you just let it
run through your blood
playfully or calmly,
or otherwise
if a tear runs out your eyes
it a sign of pure emotion
showing that
your are now living
through the music
and believing.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Love is a candle

rainbow colored thoughts

love is a fire burning
like in a censer every day
to keep the light on
in one's soul;
but there are times
when if it twinkles
it gets fragile
and needs a kindle;
it takes some time
a little care
to make it through
the coldest night;
if you are willing
not to take but also give it
your joy and time
love will be what you make of it.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

winter comes

rainbow colored thoughts

winter comes with great surpise
especially through children's eyes;
they long expect in the warm house
the sight of flouries at the fall of night;
and when they seem to have grown tired
from the wait the snowflakes fall
and their eyes start to twinkle
you can see once the iris color - periwinkle
and then two stars and thousands of reflections
in the mirrors they protect with lashes;
they can't wait to go outside in the fresh morning.
their cheeks bloom red with joy
and they ignore the coldest frost;
the sledge is here? if not
the bottom of the pants stays always near
will slide on snow, will dance on ice;
will all fall tired in the night.

Monday, November 06, 2006

the moving edge

Photo credits Julio Segura Carmona
rainbow colored thoughts: November 2006

I have been there
at the edge of the world
where the sea kisses the sand;
where the sky reaches
to the other end of the sea
I have been there swinging
and changing moods and thoughts;
while the colors of the sky
played with their fingers
on the blushing clavier of the water;
I have been there I say
when nobody else was watching
I dipped my fingers and asked
the sea if we're allowed to even touch it.
and there I have learned that if we have
great respect the water will bear our ships
on its back; and I have been there with crowds
trying to mingle with creatures from other worlds;
but they were all happy to give up
their attempts at becomings
creatures of the sea, after a mere few strokes;
they gave up trying to become creatures of the sky;
after a mere fluttering of their arms;
they happily gave up trying to be creatures of the land
after playing hide and seek and burying themselves in the sand.
we have resumed to living with our feet on land,
with the head in the clouds and dipping our fingers
in an ocean of salty waters at the marging of sand.
the hopes that we harbored before we came into existence
reach every now and then out and we invent machines
that put us on teh moon and then bring us back on land;
airplanes that fly, and boats that float, submarines that
submerge and everynow and then we get to be on the edge
of the new limits that we are resetting
but for most of us the edges stay largely fixed
in the same place where they were when we came
reality stays in place unchanged by our minor events,
while us and our loves ones come and go
making us perhaps the slightly moving edge of the universe.

Monday Shoes

rainbow colored thoughts
Monday Shoes
should always be slip on's
so one would never be late
because of them;
they should never require
being cleaned in the morning;
they should never loose
each other from sight;
if possible they should jump
right on my feet;
here would come left and there
would come right;
since after the weekend
the day should start
with a least stressfull morning
and now off we go, right foot up!

Friday, November 03, 2006

falling leaf

rainbow colored thoughts

when the brightly colored leaf
finally fell
the changes came too soon and too fast.
first it turned cold
and as the sugar in its veins grew old;
the neat skin crinkled;
the pieces that made up its youthful soul
broke up
with little cracks, then turned
to ashes
while dissipating all around
fueling heat
for in its final celebration it has burned for us