Monday, January 30, 2017


your worries should lie low
your songs shall softly
rock a baby cradle now
your hearts shall beat in unison
while water waves shall
gently touch their banks to flow

the ocean waves should come and go
to sandy shores they bring homage
to boats they bring the force they need
so smoothly sail my love
ahead of fears and towards dreams
untouched by webs of mermaid spells

today you have your song to sing
your voice i want to hear
as it will rise above the chorus whispers
while the silver girl you accompanied here
shall touch the strings and help you weave
the fabric of your dreams

Monday, January 23, 2017

rain/to keep the light flowing

some days are plain gray
and it feels like there is not
enough love in the world;
just wind whistling,
aimless leaves rustling
on cracked pavement

some days start green
and you wake up and think
if i am the only love
left in the world
must i not do something
to kindle the fire we need?

and if your light seeds
the night sky with stars
and if the sky starts pouring
tears on the ground
while a hand touches a hand
the grass will start growing

to keep the light flowing

Thursday, January 05, 2017

hip hop

I may not be hip
but i am certainly hoppy
i may be indian pale,
brown or golden
but always on
the bitter side
i am an ale
an ageless ale

I used to be
brewed by alewives
with secret mixtures
of herbs and spice
sweet gale and sage
and the sap of pine
a bit of wormwood
and yarrow and broom

I have been safe to drink
for the belligerent knights;
at their tables
when the water was stale
and truly a danger
but did not last on long trips
with lone sailors
and could not shorten their travels

then hops came along
and i got a new life
infused with the youth
of ginger and orange
i am an ale,
be bitter or sweet
I may not be hip
but i am certainly hoppy