Thursday, December 31, 2020


 saint nicholas comes on the 6th

and brings with him treats

some are sweet for the mouth

some are warm for the soul

and some are surreal

for example one might get treated

with fairytales and pictures 

of 300 year old gnomes

of spirits trapped within the bark

of grass trees 

looking and longing to be

one and free

no matter what the memory 

of dark nights may be

this is the time to turn on

and towards the light

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Show me

Show me the way

we are supposed to open paths,

Rather than close doors

Light up fires

Rather than extinguish them,

Cheer and support our pioneers

Rather than push them to fall

Like the first line pawns 

Nobody cares for;

Speaking of which, tell me

what is it that makes you care,

And move in the right direction

And how will you look out

For others today.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020


 He was a named star

And he took every chance to shine

His face sparkled with smile,

 his eyes with twinkles 

And sometime with tears 

But what was to be seen 

were the traces he left with his hands

On the canvas he touched 

His strokes were shaped 

after the movements of dancers

His colors were bold in protesting 

the dullness of any gray day

The shadows were there 

to embolden the light

And there was really no need for words

Because wonders speak loud for themselves.

That night as we talked I understood 

 even stars take a beating at times

And May fall on their knees, 

into sadness, or into oblivion 

We are reminded

that being humble and small

is matter of fact the state we are in 

On the scale of the street, or the city;

and we may not even be known

to exist on the scale of the galaxy.

And from where he sat with his thoughts 

On his knees looking close to the ground 

He looked up and he said

Be careful where your walk

Watch and do not lose your soul

And as he said his words 

I felt a lonely wind clearing the floor.

Friday, December 18, 2020

Straddle the night

Straddle the night

From day to day

With bridges of hope;

Do not get carried away

You still have to work

To keep those bridges in shape

For you and for those you love.

A thief’s confession

 Thief’s confession 

The only thing I have ever stolen 

Is time;

Lovely time with my friends

And lonely times

With myself.

I have enjoyed them both

And rested a hurried soul

While twisting the seconds 

Into what seemed 

A fraction of eternity 

To me and my friend.

A piece of the puzzle 

I have stored in en empty corner

Reserved by memory 

I just about forget,

I have also stolen a knife

When somebody was called

To cut the lies 

Served at lunch,

And clean the plates

So we can all eat

(Something other than shit).

Wednesday, December 02, 2020


Does the giver turn ugly 

Wrinkled by the burden of amassed memories?

Or does he learn to dance amongst sharks 

And tames them speaking their tongues 


Does the water of life revolve the same way

After it has give the youthful spirit 

Again and again to the dancers 

So they do not lose themselves in exhaustion 

With no end in sight

The rain is most welcome, most solemn

A symbol of a fresh life’s return

The drops jump up happy 

upon hitting the massive water surface

The ocean simply does not care

Tonight the sharks must have dinner

The giver must dance the best that he can
