this morning I walked out the door
my right foot first and ready to dance
on the ray of sun that usually takes me
from here to where I need to go in no time.
there was music on the radio
the car ride was smooth and the drivers almost polite
while we shared the road they crossed a few yellow lights
and but one crossed my path in a dangerous way.
I made it here ready to do my usual thing
start the morning with a coffee and then increase the tension
hour by hour till lunch break when I was unprepared
to learn that again the world was going to war
an airplane has failed to take off
schools are struggling here to keep up with the pace of
an increasing number of children; while somewhere else
incredibly far they were starving to death, or refused education.
My lunch break ready to end, I am going to return to my desk
and leave it to others to wonder on what us important to do with a day
shall we change the face of our politicians or is it a way
to deal with the world in our own time, with our own hands.
Are we ready to dance, are we ready to fight and protest
are we ready to go back to a normal day?
as if there was ever such thing as a normal day everywhere
for everybody in this wonderful world.