Wednesday, March 28, 2007


and why in the world
should I walk the same path
why would I want to be
nothing better than you,
who's only role might have been
to bring me up
in this world
(and you did not yet figure out
how it works)?
should I be grateful
should I be hateful
for the state of things?
should I take my guitar
and cry with its strings;
should I look for peers
when I feel in my heart
that there's nobody yet
thinking like me
or loving my art?
or should I run hard
to be the first in a race
ahead of the others
and leaving no time
to think of the past
(whether or not is for me
to understand).
leave me some time
to calm down
come back when I'll have
my own kids to talk to
perhaps then I'll buy your advice
with solid gold but for now,
leave the door closed
I will decide
when to come out
of my shell
for a hug.

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