Wednesday, June 03, 2009

wallk in beauty

walk your walk in peace
may the winds' harsh blows not touch you,
may the storms not bend you
may you grow tall and strong;

choose to grow in peace,
do not fight imaginary fights
which are not worth the wounds
do not keep deep wounds on your body;

do not keep wounds on your memory
walk in beauty and prepare
to flow into love and shine
get ready to dance for joy in your life.

rest when you need to rest
to keep your balance;
and if you need support call
I will raise from the ground up

to hold your head up
to wipe your forehead clean bright
with my branches; and the strength of your roots
we'll walk in balance

one step at the time
this trip is worth taking
even if you need to go to school for a while
you learn your stride on your own

walk in beauty

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