Friday, October 23, 2009



..from artbyzaky...
---this one to LC---
because I have learned
to love your words,
waving on your ocean of songs
I want to believe
that at least certain things
and more importantly people
are here to stay
for good, in permanence.
what matters is
that people share
even if briefly
their wisdom and their love
with those around;
this time the town
has opened its arms
to welcome the old man
who has come to share
his calmness;
[the use of a cover
filled with calmness
to taper the deepest troubles]
over a concert,
tea and oranges

little kid

sweet sleeper
slow waker;
cheek kisser
heart breaker;
happy giggler
trouble maker;
nerve stretcher
joy giver.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


little A can spell her (now) favorite movie(s) title: stawars (who can hear that "r" well anyway?). And she has seen these movies so many times (sometimes with interruptions for dinner or night sleep) that she refers to them in the following way: : "usually Obi Wan dies in this episode". You see, sometimes he does not get to die in that particular episode simply because we pause the movie and go to bed.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

little flower

she said
if cannot all be roses
let us humble flowers
cover the ground with goodness
as our way to serve
the same Lord
that roses do
in their beauty.
since then till today
from flower to flower,
and through the bees
they are still spreading
and sharing
the honey of her sayings.

Monday, October 19, 2009

driving by a garden

the sudden smile of black eyed susans
growing widely and unpretentiously
at the edge of the road
follows the drivers into the otherwise gray
roads through the city;
you cannot really speed up
first of all because of the children
on the way to school or a baseball game;
but because of bikers and possible drunkards
all vulnerable and delicate in some way;
but mostly because you secretly peek
towards the the pink to purple cone flowers
echinaceas and others
like red monardas and colorful lantanas;
and the shy but sturdy asters;
and because your noise
may scare away the butterflies
that only live for a couple of days;
ephemeral and beautiful as they all are
the inhabitants of these permanent gardens.

southern garden

the gardens here never sleep
(their roots though may not run too deep)
because the air is so friendly and warm
that the bugs stay alive and merrily swarm
all year long they are busy
the gardeners do not have it easy
there is no time to rest
they must always work at their best
keep the pests in control
on their side of the knoll.
all give thanks to the sun
be are grateful for the fruit
and the flowers happily blooming
grace to its shinning.

Friday, October 16, 2009

new math

.......................this one is from and for my friend Miles...
I have been counting sticks and stones
but mostly my fingers so far;
then to raise the bar
I have learned higher numbers
some of them I can only pronounce
as letters: like google and billion
(I am not sure how long they should be
with their trailing zeros in tail
if I were to write them on paper let's say)
but in general I can write
and wiggle and juggle numbers around
with great joy, to the point
that I have invented
today a new kind of math.
I have shared it with friends
and they have decreed
that a new king of math was anointed
they gave me a crown!
from too much excitement
I think I'll chase numbers
in my dreams until dawn.

the prettiest tree

there is a tree
the prettiest tree
you can see if you look hard
and it grows in my yard;
it dresses in white
in the spring
therefore I think
it must certainly be
a lady tree;
but wait I am not sure
cause most of the times
it dresses in green;
the liveliest green
you have ever seen;
later when it is time for fall
it darkens to brown
and here and there
a patch of red
I see in her hair.
the strangest habit it has
when I dress in sweaters
my tree is bare
to the branches and bones;
so the squirrels must run
up and down the tree trunk
as hard as they can
to keep my pretty tree warm.

Monday, October 12, 2009

a mile long hike

step gently over these leaves
they are busy feeding the ground
with all the sugar they've gathered
during the summer;
they are quietly giving life
to the next year's crop
while we are here for the day
happily hiking;
a mile long hike
is not a long experience
but it does give a glimpse
into the depth of the water,
the steepness of the slope,
and the age of the stone.
the air may get a little rare
but the soil and the trees
help and breath back the life
that we need to see and to care for.

share the view and the sure way
you take a step
but gently, pay attention
to the delicate life that grows
everywhere, even under your foot;
be inspired, look up
keep in you this view from the top.
you can grow too
with little resources;
and your are still
able to give and to judge
and mainly to live
simply, gently
never boringly - plain.

Friday, October 09, 2009

be in harmony

be the change
you want to see in the world
give the spark
that will keep hope flaming hot
forgive sins
that keep enemies apart
bring your friends
together so they can see
views cannot set boundaries
is what we've been longing for

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Herta Müller

This lady has won the Nobel Prize for literature. She can hardly believe it. We can still congratulate her!

Tuesday, October 06, 2009


being young I still need
your wing to raise me to the height of my dream
being young I still need
your shoulders to support my adventure or miss

being young I still need
your guiding hand to cross the forest in safety
being young I still need
you to tell me the sources to use for nourishment

being young I still need
to challenge you and your age appropriate wisdom;
being wise you still need
to make patience and teach me forgiveness

being up there you need not
look down on me but rather respect the potential in me
I will be the one to feed
you in your old days, to forgive you old age's mistakes

that is if you do
teach me the right things now, if you do think of me
i will think of you
highly and kindly and we can possibly share the path

or you can just wait
until I move out, and stop bothering you with my demands
for attention and love.
for your time as short now, as mine will be precious soon

Thursday, October 01, 2009


she will come running towards you
so softly her steps and her voice
will surround you, and as she leaves
she will have left your heart
happily swimming in honey
the little stubborn bunny.