Tuesday, October 06, 2009


being young I still need
your wing to raise me to the height of my dream
being young I still need
your shoulders to support my adventure or miss

being young I still need
your guiding hand to cross the forest in safety
being young I still need
you to tell me the sources to use for nourishment

being young I still need
to challenge you and your age appropriate wisdom;
being wise you still need
to make patience and teach me forgiveness

being up there you need not
look down on me but rather respect the potential in me
I will be the one to feed
you in your old days, to forgive you old age's mistakes

that is if you do
teach me the right things now, if you do think of me
i will think of you
highly and kindly and we can possibly share the path

or you can just wait
until I move out, and stop bothering you with my demands
for attention and love.
for your time as short now, as mine will be precious soon

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