Monday, March 07, 2016

bird on a perch

look at me tenderly
because i am but a bird
in the palm of your hand
you could squish me
if you just tighten your fist
and my heart is beating
just a tad faster than you think;
and yet i look at you
lovingly and i think
that you are like the wind
stable under my wing,
that i enjoy the perspective
i can see from this perch
the light i can see in your eyes
from where i decided to sit ;
i am satisfied with the taste
and the texture of the grains of thought
you occasionally feed.
i am not saying it loud
but you may know
that birds are quick to  take flight
and some of us even swim
alone, brave and remote
facing hunger and cold.
which is why we should
both enjoy this fragile moment
at the right balance between
the past and the future
this bridge that we build
you with the hope i shall sing,
me with the hope you can sit
still and stable and able
to hear the trill.
thank you for giving me
hope and time to heal,
now if you would let go
i will be back tomorrow
if you will still know me
and i shall search within
to find the right song
you have been wishing for.

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