Wednesday, March 28, 2018

artichoke fields

I have had the fortune
Of walking among fields
Of blooming artichokes
While holding in my arms
Ever so tight my newborn son

And since the earth could feel
How insecure 
the steps I took all were 
it turned the path
To soft and gentle mud
So if even we’d fall 
we would be welcome 
in it’s warm embrace 

As is looked down
Into the cuddle to my son 
his budding red haired head 
emerged, his eyes
Looked sharp and pointed up
Towards the vast serenity
Of sky and sun

Then with his tiny hand
And growing soul
He hugged me back
Since then I know
That even if we fall
We’ll be alright

We’d help and pick 
each other up
To walk with our spirits
Twice in strength 
Towards the future
And the light it holds

With cheer and hope
we will move forward
on our separate paths
and still be bound
By sky and mud alike 
And the the blooming artichokes 
The fields have had 

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