Friday, January 23, 2009

pink buds

One of the wonders of the world
descended right from heaven onto mother earth
she smiled and from her smile were born
pink buds onto the trees who line the street
this  january in medium cold Durham,  NC.
The spring like air I breath and both my lungs 
expand with joy anticipating sunny spring
but winter's here and snow has fallen.
the pink buds blush at their mistake
cause they were born one month or two too soon
and thus gave us an unexpected winter break.


Maria Verivaki said...

this sort of thing happens every now and then here too - but the seasons have to do their rounds, so we must wait for spring to come later!

Alexandra Badea said...

can you please remind me how these warm days in january are called in Greece ? I knew a name for these warm days but cannot remember it..

Alexandra Badea said...

can you please remind me how these warm days in january are called in Greece ? I knew a name for these warm days but cannot remember it..

Maria Verivaki said...

the days of the halcyon