Wednesday, December 21, 2016


i have to catch up with the night
lately is has been passing in fast flight
its strong wings batting at my dreams
rustling them to come out through the seams

Monday, December 19, 2016

10 years of blogging

10 years of blogging!

xmas card

In the middle of winter i write to thank you for the joy and light, for your hard work to be the best that you might be thank you for the curious eyes and for the magic happening when simple acts of listening make songs arise thank you for the spring you put into the step of those you touch and if it's not too much for being generous and kind i wish the wind will always blow just right and if it doesn't that you shift your tack; and hope that all the love you give will multiply when it comes back!

- with thanks to PJ

Thursday, September 29, 2016

puzzle me

puzzle me, be unexpected
whatever you want, but be
in the sunshine, in the open
there is place for you, and me

sweet dreams

i can knit a dream of rainbows
i can knit a dream of dew
i can knit a dream of sunshine
i can knit a dream of you

but the question than arises
coming from my love for you
if you are tired and you need it
can i knit a dream for you?

will you let me, will you do it?
if you share this time with me,
we'll be swinging by the moon rays
in between the do, re, mi.

sweet dreams

i can knit a dream of rainbows
i can knit a dream of dew
i can knit a dream of sunshine
i can knit a dream of you

but the question than arises
coming from my love for you
if you are tired and you need it
can i knit a dream for you?

will you let me, will you do it?
if you share this time with me,
we'll be swinging by the moon rays
in between the do, re, mi.

sweet dreams

i can knit a dream of rainbows
i can knit a dream of dew
i can knit a dream of sunshine
i can knit a dream of you

but the question than arises
coming from my love for you
if you are tired and you need it
can i knit a dream for you?

will you let me, will you do it?
if you share this time with me,
we'll be swinging by the moon rays
in between the do, re, mi.

Friday, September 16, 2016

a song piece for Nick

this is not a poem, this is a memory
of a high school friend
whose name i cannot remember
although it could well have been Nick

what i do remember is a pair
of large and dark eyes,
mostly quiet, and perhaps a tad shy
and i also remember a bunch of kids
sitting a little too high
on school benches
or sliding rather quietly
on the dark corridors
in their blue indigo uniforms

the reason i write is the sound
my friend made
in front of these seemingly
ready to mock, or to laugh
or to love common friends
you see he was mostly quiet
my friend, but from 3-5
he was part of a rock band
and then and there he could scream
he could shout, and let it all out
and one day, just because
i had asked he showed off his sound
without fear of the laughter,
mocking, or  love

i hope my dear friend
you can find your rock band
i hope you can find your loud voice
to scream it all out
i enjoy the sound that you make
i hope you not fear the mocking,
the laughter, the love
that you 'll get
in your face , or your heart

a song piece for Nick

this is not a poem, this is a memory
of a high school friend
whose name i cannot remember
although it could well have been Nick

what i do remember is a pair
of large and dark eyes,
mostly quiet, and perhaps a tad shy
and i also remember a bunch of kids
sitting a little too high
on school benches
or sliding rather quietly
on the dark corridors
in their blue indigo uniforms

the reason i write is the sound
my friend made
in front of these seemingly
ready to mock, or to laugh
or to love common friends
you see he was mostly quiet
my friend, but from 3-5
he was part of a rock band
and then and there he could scream
he could shout, and let it all out
and one day, just because
i had asked he showed off his sound
without fear of the laughter,
mocking, or  love

i hope my dear friend
you can find your rock band
i hope you can find your loud voice
to scream it all out
i enjoy the sound that you make
i hope you not fear the mocking,
the laughter, the love
that you 'll get
in your face , or your heart

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

puzzle me, and let it be

puzzle me, be unexpected
whatever you want but be
in the open, in the sunshine
there is place for you, and me


learn to trust
and learn to give
to those who might be
surprised or in need

be mindful
that you do not walk alone
be graceful
with your fellow travelers

be one with your true self
and be ready to change
give, love, and be ready
to never know

if you are the true giver
or should be the grateful receiver
walk straight and take
some time to breath -love

Thursday, July 21, 2016


i am nobody
but the wind calls my name
the water washes my head
and my breath, just like yours
pushes my life right ahead
by your side

we might as well
hold each other's hand
in times of trouble
exchange a smile
in times like heaven

how else
should we stay sane
when they shoot horses elsewhere
and my small mind
cannot comprehend

why hate
when you can love
why march
when you can dance
why kill
when you can give

i look at you and learn
to grow values from within
only turn out what is worth
bringing to light
and if i am nobody
my voice can still
shout in the wind
and i can wash
all the dirt than i see
while i breath

leave me

leave me the time
and leave me the hope
that i can climb up on a rope
swing out of the cave
to find the light in your sight
the silence and sounds that unite
the peace in our dream
the person you seem
the peace that has been
the slow breath of the ocean
and the path in the sand
we were planning to craft
from the many repeats
of our walks;

leave me the memory
of the jump and the flight
the descent and the cool
of the water around
and the peace of the dark,
then the bubbles surrounding
the rising and the power
to repeat it
all over again

leave me
your hand
in my hand
your forehead
by mine
and a picture
to retrive
the glimpse
of time past

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

night magic

The night was clear, the air was light
and as i raised my arms i felt it lift me up
towards the moon, towards the stars
i found my path though it was dark
towards the light

Monday, May 16, 2016

architecture of the future

summon the force
that keeps your spine straight
summon the love
that feeds your steps
summon the hand
of a friend
stand tall on chalk
feel the fire than runs
through the veins
and run towards
the future with all
that you have
in common
then build it
as you have dreamt

the future is bright
with arches so tall
as you have planned
its foundation
with all that you have done

with a bit of luck
the phoenix of hope
and redemption
will add a tower
and a flag

Monday, March 07, 2016

what can i do

what can i do
to keep you near and dear
as i am swallowed by the past?
perhaps to shout
and hope that you will hear my voice
above the white noise of the space around?
an echo, here and there
to slice the night.
perhaps to send an image
on a butterfly
with a quick flutter of a wing?
a mix of colors
to awake the art.
perhaps to try and draw out
in a bucket from the well
the twirling memory of
thirst for water from the past.
will it bring back
the soreness of our muscles
when we rowed, the swollen legs
when we run up and down the mountains
or in the burning sand,
the flashing lights of summer nights?
the list i made is long, the time is short
and sometimes i would like to turn
those lists into the sounds of echoes
(and shout them out and loud)
so that they come back


i am bound to chains
made of all sorts of constraints
bound to paths
built for fast dreams
bound to explode
because there is so much light
in your eyes
that it cannot be contained

bird on a perch

look at me tenderly
because i am but a bird
in the palm of your hand
you could squish me
if you just tighten your fist
and my heart is beating
just a tad faster than you think;
and yet i look at you
lovingly and i think
that you are like the wind
stable under my wing,
that i enjoy the perspective
i can see from this perch
the light i can see in your eyes
from where i decided to sit ;
i am satisfied with the taste
and the texture of the grains of thought
you occasionally feed.
i am not saying it loud
but you may know
that birds are quick to  take flight
and some of us even swim
alone, brave and remote
facing hunger and cold.
which is why we should
both enjoy this fragile moment
at the right balance between
the past and the future
this bridge that we build
you with the hope i shall sing,
me with the hope you can sit
still and stable and able
to hear the trill.
thank you for giving me
hope and time to heal,
now if you would let go
i will be back tomorrow
if you will still know me
and i shall search within
to find the right song
you have been wishing for.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

night line

it was the height of the night
and i was fleeing trying to find
my way home at that time
when the old man appeared
with a group of followers around

"where are the elevators baby" he asked
and i noticed he was tall, black and white
and his voice sounded terribly kind
so in my turn i asked to hear it again
"where are the elevators baby" he said

and i heard the smile in his voice
the silence in the fluttering skirts
and shirts of the people around
i gave them the answer pointing
to the locked glass doors

the joyful group trickled in
and dissapeard through the doors into light,
with a glimpse i saw after they left
the smile in the painting resembled
the tall man, black and white