Tuesday, August 05, 2008

metro news or the good old boys

this one to the peaceful writers of our own Durham local placeblogs
where are the days
when the good old boys
who worked for the newspaper
where there all day long
and most of the night
sipping their beer and telling a tale
waiting for the next big thing to happen
while they were there.

where are the local old boys
proud to be dressed in gray suits
and dusty fast shoes
are they still waiting
by the phone, at the pub?

have they been replaced
perhaps because their rides home
took a little longer everyday
as the city grew larger;
perhaps because they were one day allowed
to start a family
and lingering at the pub
suddenly did not seem as tempting
as it used to;
or maybe because
somewhere far away
a non local guy bends hard everyday
and looks to understand what happened
in their corner of the world
and then writes a story
much cheaper.

they may have changed out of their suits
but they are still here on the field
the writers and makers of news,
our daring brothers
in sneakers and boots,
in sunshine and storms
they can say good bye to the past
and in with the news!


Anonymous said...

I just linked this over here:

Maria Verivaki said...

in with the new, out with the old!