Thursday, October 30, 2008


selma was herself a flower
about to bloom like any other
but in her times the lives of many men
were rather short
and not all had
the chance to bloom
as nature meant.
she planned her blooming
with a pen on paper
writing what life would be like
what it was like, and where
her dreams would take her
if they could grow wings;
and very far indeed they took her.
today we've learned abut her joyful soul
selma's who would have been a grandma now
is young, and fresh as her poems' lines
have kept her
flying brave on the wings
of her very own dreams.

(Selma was born in the city where one of the greatest romanian poets Mihai Eminescu went to School - Cernauti)

1 comment:

Maria Verivaki said...

i would have loved to know selma